Group Travel and Flight Deals

Benefits of booking with StudentUniverse:
  • Travel bookings for groups of 10 or more
  • Free, no-obligation quotes
  • Everyone on the same flight paying the same price
  • Pay a refundable deposit to hold space*
  • Cancel seats or trips with no penalty*
  • Group payment tools, for each participant to pay directly for their own seat
  • Dedicated account managers, one person assisting you all the way through
  • 24/7 support; before, during and after you travel
  • Negotiated discounts with over 70 airlines globally
  • No discount cards to purchased

“StudentUniverse worked with my student, and left her feeling like there are still good people out there who aren't just about the bottom line.”

-Megan G., Director of International Programs, AZ

“We book groups with StudentUniverse...always quick to respond, attentive, understanding, open to creative solutions and overall just downright fun to work with.”

-Jess J., Assistant Director of Customized Faculty-led Programs, MA

“In working to rebook our short-term programs in the wake of the inclement weather, SU has been a true partner.”

-Joe S., Director of the Center for Global Education, MA